Release date:2018, May 29

Duration:01 h 03 m

Author:Bill Gardner

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Compelling brand design is often a product of careful observation. In order to create a logo that truly resonates with your client—and the general public—designers must make an effort to remain well versed in the latest trends. In this course, join Bill Gardner as he shares which directions the logo design industry is going, and provides you with the resources and guidance you need to craft solutions that will be as relevant as those created by the most seasoned professional.

In this edition of the annual Logo Trend Report, Bill covers over a dozen trends in-depth. As he dives into the origins of these trends, he introduces hundreds of the most current logos crafted by exceptional designers around the world. Discover how each designer was able to manifest a unique solution using the same general concept behind the trend. Throughout the course, Bill helps you become sensitized to recognizing the nuances that are occurring in the industry, and know when a trend has run its course. Upon completing this course, you’ll have the knowledge you need to stand on the shoulders of current trends—and anticipate the trajectory of trends yet to come.

Topics include:

The importance of trends in design

Gradient colors

Linear fades

Field lines

Contemporary badge design

Serif redux


Neo vintage

Table of Contents


Welcome 2m 37s

Trend discovery process 2m 39s

1. Introduction

Changing colors 2m 26s

Nostalgic resurgence 2 m 34s

2. Color

Blurple 4m 28s

Gold 3m

3. Line

Fatty fades 3m 16s

Linear fades 3m 22s

Field lines 3m 42s

4. Type

Cut 3m

Serif redux 2m 57s

Punctuation 3m 17s

5. Badges

Est. Trd. Mrk. 4m 42s

B/W hipster 2m 56s

Modern religion 2m 47s

Neo vintage 3m 5s

6. Form

Outline 3m 35s

Parallelogram 2m 42s

Tumbled 3m 19s

Conclusion Goodbye 3m 34s

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