Release date:2020

Author:Stephanie Fizer

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

If you’re new to Procreate or not-so-new to it but still not in love with it, this class is the place to start. I’ll walk you through the basics of keeping a digital sketchbook in Procreate from setting up a canvas to completing your first 7 days of digital sketching.

As a 10+ years user of Photoshop, I went into Procreate expecting it to be a simpler version of Photoshop and when it wasn’t, I felt frustrated. Forever stubborn and determined to work my iPad Pro into my workflow, I decided to start small with Procreate by using it as a digital sketchbook.

Allowing myself a no pressure situation to grow more comfortable with Procreate was just what I needed and I think it will help you too. Too often we expect to pick up our fancy new art tools and create AMAZING art RIGHT NOW. These days I’m a big advocate of small successes that lead to bigger ones and that’s why I’m hoping you’ll join me on this digital sketchbook journey.

Take this first small step in getting to know Procreate and soon you’ll fall in love with it too!

What You’ll Learn in This Class:

How to set up your canvas in Procreate

Necessary interface basics

Several quick tricks to make your process simpler

Choosing the best brushes

Working with layers

Organizing your digital sketchbook

Exporting your sketches

And there’s a sketching demo where I walk you through my entire process from scribble to finished sketch

After This Class:

Keep up with your daily digital sketchbook practice

Remember that it’s sketchbook and it can be whatever you want it to be

Challenge yourself to explore new techniques in Procreate

Look out for my next Procreate class, all about color and texture(coming soon!)

Happy sketching!
Table of Contents

1. Intro video


2. Tools


3. Why a Digital Sketchbook?


4. Setting Up Your Canvas


5. Interface Basics


6. Quick Tips & Tricks


7. Brushes


8. Layers


9. Color Selection Tools


10. Let’s Sketch Together


11. Organizing Your Digital Sketchbook


12. Exporting Your Sketches


13. Your Project


14. Bonus video


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