Release date:2021, May

Author:Thomas Rohlfs

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn professional drawing and coloring techniques for creating animated characters full of movement

Using simple lines and shapes, character illustration is a skill that is attainable to just about anyone. No matter what inspires you, I will show you how to bring it to life using basic figures, bold lines, and minimal color palettes.

In this course, learn how to bring characters to life using digital illustration and Photoshop. Discover my professional techniques for sketching, coloring, and finishing original characters that seem to jump right off the page. Are you ready to refine your technique and start creating characters that showcase your unique illustration style?

Start the course by getting a quick introduction to the course content before learning about your final project.

I begin with some basic concepts for drawing movement and show you some tricks for designing realistic characters that seem to come off the page, even in static poses. Using a light table and tracing paper, learn my four essential drawing techniques: line of action, rhythm, weight, and silhouette.

Start designing and drawing your character. Learn how to research your character and use creative references for poses, clothing, and accessories. Sketch and render your character using the references, techniques, and methods that were explained earlier. Then, I show you how to create some basic backgrounds and environments.

Now it’s time to focus on fine-tuning your illustration. Apply corrections and explore some alternative ways to develop your new character. Finally, get some tips on how to keep on improving your drawing skills with new projects and ideas.

00.Introduction 01.Overview 02.Drawing-techniques-01-Dynamic-character-and-movements 03.Drawing-techniques-02-Construction-and-basic-shapes 04.Drawing-techniques-03-Drawing-from-references-1 05.Drawing-techniques-03-Drawing-from-references-2 06.Drawing-techniques-03-Drawing-from-references-3 07.Drawing-techniques-03-Drawing-from-references-4 08.Photoshop-setup-1 09.Photoshop-setup-2 10.Researching-your-character 11.Sketching-01-The-pose-1 12.Sketching-01-The-pose-2 13.Sketching-01-The-pose3 14.Sketching-02-Clothes-and-accessories-1 15.Sketching-02-Clothes-and-accessories-2 16.Sketching-02-Clothes-and-accessories-3 17.Rendering-1 18.Rendering-2 19.Rendering-3 20.Rendering-4 21.Rendering-5 22.Rendering-6 23.Rendering-7 24.Rendering-8 25.Coloring-1 26.Coloring-2 27.Coloring-3 28.Corrections 29.Next-steps-improving 30.Final-projects


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