Release date:2021

Author:Ariel Olivetti

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Learn step by step how to give volume, color, and realism to a superhero using acrylic paint. A superhero’s strength and details make them truly unique. With Ariel Olivetti, you can learn how to give power, realism, volume, and color to your characters using dynamic acrylic painting techniques.

Ariel Olivetti has worked with the titans of the comic industry: Marvel and DC. Now, he teaches his process for creating dynamic superheroes with acrylic paints. If you want to delve deeper into the world of comic characters with Ariel, see his course: Illustration for Comics: Anatomy of a Superhero.

Marvel and DC Start by getting to know Ariel Olivetti. He tells you about his professional journey as an illustrator and shares some of his artistic and graphic influences that have guided him throughout the course of his career.

Continue by taking a look at the materials you need to create an acrylic illustration. Ariel explains how to use light and shadows to give your drawings added realism and detail.

Step into shadows and see how to color your characters. Apply colors using layers before moving onto lighting and volume.

To finish the course, discover how to preserve your original artwork and digitize it so it can be professionally presented. See how to adjust technical specifications like the format and the definitions you’ll need to understand in editorial publishing. By the end, your superhero will be ready to face any kind of adventure and save the world.

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