Release date:2021

Duration:00 h 41 m

Author:Martijn Van Weeghel

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The most recent edition of Adobe Lightroom CC has seen some extensive updates to the way we apply our edits. In this class, I will teach you all about the new and improved masking tools in Lightroom CC.

From the incredibily useful Select Subject tool to the old and familiar radial gradient masks, I show you what they can offer based on real world examples that I’ve shot myself. You will learn not only how all of these incredible tools work, but also in which situations they work best, along with what hurdles you might face while editing your photos.

This class was developed using the newest edition of Lightroom CC, so not Lightroom Classic or Lightroom Mobile. But the skills can be applied to any version of Lightroom, since they all now contain the same masking tools.

You can follow along with the images I provide in the class project, or use your own images to start applying your new knowledge right away.

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