课程时长:10小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕+中文朗读 含课程文件

Chapter 2 – Tracking Basic

I believe tracking is the most important thing when making any Visual Effects That’s why I included this chapter. I shared 3 different workflows for blender Tracking.

Chapter 3 – VFX BALL

In this Chapter, you will start making your First Mixed Reality Project. You will learn the main workflow from start to finish. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to make a video like this.

Chapter 4 – CGI CLOTH

In this chapter, you will learn more details about VFX like how you can create some illusions using VFX. You will learn simulations and also see how we can fix some issues that we will face creating these effects.

Chapter 5 – VFX CAR

This is one of the most demanding effects. This chapter has all the details about placing a car and making it fly and also how you can sit inside the car. It has a different workflow from previous chapters.

Chapter 6 – VFX TRAIN

This is the green screen effect. after completing this chapter, you will know how to film yourself on a green screen, put it inside Blender, and create a cool 3d environment.

Chapter 7 – iPhone VFX

This Chapter is Focused on physics Simulation, Where you will learn everything to create these types of heavy particles Simulation which looks realistic and physically accurate because they interact with the ground and themselves. This is packed with many tips of tricks. Everything is Step by step from 3d Tracking to Compositing.

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