在本课程中,您将通过在Houdini中创建各种FX 来启动您的Houdini职业生涯。Houdini已成为VFX特效行业的首选工具。谁掌握了力量,谁就无法阻挡!唯一的缺点是,Houdini可能很难学习,并且学习曲线可能很陡峭。

这就是《Houdini FX 简介》的用武之地。我们将在您的基础Houdini技能基础上发展,让您成为不可阻挡的自然力量!

在短短16周内释放Houdini FX的强大力量!

您准备好掌握Houdini,成为FX行业中不可阻挡的力量了吗?《Houdini FX入门》将为您打开这一强大工具的大门,将复杂的学习曲线分解为可管理的循序渐进的课程,助您轻松掌握。

课程时长:35小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中文硬字幕+srt英文外挂字幕

第1周 – 基础:通过掌握构成Houdini基础的基本技能,启动您的学习之旅。

第2周 – 环境:探索创作多样环境,从科幻景观到精致的大教堂构图。

第3周 – 新元素:通过学习无缝整合新元素到您的数字景观的技巧,提升您的技能。

第4周 – 洞穴FX:深入学习粒子动画、烟雾模拟、碰撞渲染以及Prometheus洞穴FX,获得令人叹为观止的效果。

第5周 – 颗粒动画:深入了解颗粒动画的艺术,为您的视觉创作增添动态元素。

第6周 – 合成:学习合成、着色、粒子渲染等复杂技术,提升整体视觉叙事效果。

第7周 – 破坏:精通在Houdini框架内创建逼真的破坏FX。

第8周 – Pyro:探索pyro模拟、烟雾、体积和高级合成,创造迷人的视觉效果。

第9周 – 火焰天使:揭开渲染迷人火焰天使的秘密,探索提升特效技术的技巧。

第10周 – Mantra:深入了解Mantra,解锁高级功能,优化渲染能力。

第11周 – 水特效:进一步完善你的合成技巧,学习增强水效果视觉冲击力的技术。

第12周 – Flip Sims:Igor带来专业见解,指导你渲染流体模拟的复杂性,深入了解Flip Sims的复杂性。

第13周 – USD
01. USD简介
02.Solaris 界面
04. 创建和分配材质第 1 部分
05. 创建和分配材质第 2 部分
06. 资产准备 Loomdev
09. 布局第 1 部分
10. Quicm 关于资产准备的说明
13. 在场景中添加一些特效
14. 分层
15. 编辑现有基元
16. 照明第 1 部分
17. 照明第 2 部分
18. 渲染画廊
19. 渲染设置
20. 渲染图像

第 14 周 – 抽象外汇
01. 简介
04. 粒子设置系统
05. 翻转设置
06. 能量力量
07. 调整力量
09. 最后的调整
10. 旋转力和吸力
14. 阴影
15. 一些调整
16. Nuke 中的合成
17. 高级光照优化
18. 应用人类发展报告
19. 互动照明 Optz
20. 雾(原创)
21. 布料特效工作流程

第 15 周 – 毁灭
01. 简介
02. 工作流程概述
03.Rbd 子弹解算器
04. 子弹中的Dops
06.Rbd 子弹求解器示例
08. 碎片排放
11. 平流 Rbd
12. 模拟回顾
13. 碎片产生
14. 碎片调整
16. 渲染与爆炸
17. Gluecluster 和约束​​类型
18. 洞穴塌陷

第 16 周 – 火焰兵
01. 简介
02. 数据和工作流程
05. Dryice 初始设置
06. 干冰设置
08. 枪口闪光设置
09. 枪口闪光烟雾模拟
14. 漩涡烟雾
15. 漩涡烟雾渲染
16. 漩涡烟雾阴影
17. 漩涡烟雾合成
19. 消防厅设置
20. 消防厅调整
21. 桥梁爆炸设置
22. 桥梁爆炸调整
23. 桥梁爆炸技术修复
24. 桥梁爆炸 Rbd
25. 桥梁碰撞
27. 爆炸阴影和照明

不再让Houdini的学习曲线成为障碍。加入这个全面的课程,在短短16周内,成为一名Houdini FX大师,掌握创造令人印象深刻的视觉效果和环境的技能。

Week 01 – Basics
01. Intro2
02. The Workshop Guide
03. Get Houdini
04. Interface
05. Lets Use Houdini
06. Data Manipulation
07. Shortcuts And Customisation
08. Noises And Houdini
09. Eye Iris Part1
10. Eye Iris Part2
11. Viewport Settings
12. Corridor Overview
13. Corridor Ground
14. Corridor Floor
15. 3d Geometry From 2d
16. Corridor Base
17. Corridor Base Extra
18. Corridor Base Pipes
19. Corridor Sides And Details
20. Assignment

Week 02 – Environments
01. Intro
02. Chase Environment Overview
03. Chase Environment Scene
04. Patterns In Houdini Overview
05. Patterns In Houdini Advanced
06. Cops To Sops
07. Building Sci Blocks
08. Chase Environment Blockout
09. Next Steps
10. Sci Fi Metal Wall Overview
11. Sci Fi Metal Wall Modeling
12. Sci Fi Metal Wall Vents
13. Sci Fi Metal Wall Extra Details
14. Sci Fi Honeycomb
15. Sci Fi Honeycomb Automation
16. Sci Fi Cable Blocks
17. Sci Fi Cable Aircon
18. Sci Fi Large Pipe
19. Cathedral Explanation
20. Cathedral Demistified
21. Assignment

Week 03 – New Elements
01. Intro
02. Next Level
03. Implementation Part1
04. Implementation Part2
05. Implementation Part3
06. Hda Workflow
07. Vents
08. Pipes
09. Quick Cables
10. Layout
11. Advanced Pipe System
12. Simple Circle Packing
13. Advanced For Each Loop
14. Stacking Pipes
15. Final Pipes Preview
16. Upres Scifi Blocks
17. Sci Blocks Randomisation
18. Sci Blocks Details
19. Bonus Setup
20. The End Of Procedural Modeling
21. Bonus Rotate Pieces

Week 04 – Cave Fx
01. Introduction To Week4
02. Sops Particle Animation
03. Noise Animation
04. Dissolve Tweak
05. Dissolve Bonus
06. Intro To Pops
07. Pop Sourcing
08. Popreplicate And Wedging
09. Collision In Pops
10. Smoke Simulation
11. Advanced Smoke Emission
12. Dynamic Collision
13. Custom Collision
14. Extra Smoke Fx
15. Final Result Preview
16. Sopsolver And Errosion
17. Prometheus Cave Scene
18. Prometheus Cave Fx
19. Prometheus Cave Ramp

Week 05 – Grain Animation
01. Intro
02. Indepth Overview.Mp4
03. Intro To Grain
04. Grain Indepth
05. Grain Highres And Slowmo
06. Bonus Slowmotion Fx
07. Triggering Animation
08. Upres Workflow Pts Advection
09. Upres Workflow Volume Advection
10. Upres Workflow Improvements
11. Advanced Lookup
12. Grain Dissolve
13. How The Curve Force Works
14. Curve Force Implementation
15. Curve Force Setup
16. Tornado And Ground Force
17. Grain And Mass
18. Swirly Energy Intro
19. Particles Forces
20. Curly Noise Forces
21. Force Fields
22. Final Previews
23. Smoke Wake Fx
24. Assignment

Week 06 – Compositing
01. Intro
02. Usd And Solaris
03. First Renders
04. Shading Overview
05. Compositing Workflow
06. Adv Shading
07. Rest And Motionblur
08. Triplanar And Export Tricks
09. Displacement And Bump
10. Denoise And Ice Texture
11. Ice Shader
12. Ice Tweaks And Growth Solver
13. Pointcloud Lookup In Shader
14. Materialx And Xpu
15. Usd Data Prep
16. Corridor Scene Setup
17. Shading Workflow
18. Rendering And Optimisation
19. Compositing In Houdini
20. Particle Rendering
21. Bonus Setup
22. Assignment

Week 07 – Fire Angel
01. Intro
02. Breakdown
03..Intro To Vellum
04. Character Animation And Vellum
05. Customer Path Deform
06. Adv Custom Deformer
07. Particle Simulation
08. Adv Particle Setups
09. Switch System And More
10. Lag Effect
11. Per Curve Offset
12. Airfield Setup
13. Assigment

Week 08 – Mantra
01. Intro
02. Intro Mantra
03. Intro To Lighting
04. Aovs And Compositing
05. Particles
06. Passes And Optimisation
07. Passes Setup
08. Review
09. Wings Fx Overview
10. Quick Bonus
11. Wings Houdini Overview
12. Wings Layers
13. Fx Illumination
14. Next Steps

Week 09 – Rigging
01. Intro
02. Workflow Overview
03. Intro To Rigging
04. Simple Ik System
05. Simple Mechanical Rig
06. Working With Mixamo Mocap
07. Blending Mixamo Mocap
08. Parenting And Aiming
09. Retargetting
10. Secondary Motion
11. Geo Prep For Simulation

Week 10 – Water Fx
00. Week7 Intro
01. Intro To Flip
02. Flip Workflow
03. Flip Workflow Meshing.Mp4
04. Statue Rise Setup
05. Adding Forces.Mp4
06. Flip Solver Settings.Mp4
07. Preview.Mp4
08. Whitewater Solver Setup
08. Whitewater Workflow.Mp4
09. Whitewater Solver Setup
10. Whitewater Solver Import.Mp4
11. Assignment.Mp4
12. White Water Source Update.Mp4
13. White Water Solver Update.Mp4
14. Bonus Sidefx Whitewater Masterclass

Week 11 – Flip Sims
00. intro To Houdini Fx Week 11 Video 2
01. Intro To Flip Week
03. Extra Force Setup
04. Whitewater Sim
05. Fluid Mesh And Export For Render Setup
06. Promoscene Walktrough

Week 12 – Flip Rendering
01 Intro To Rendering
02. Loading Geometry And Initial Karma Setup
03. Adding Materials And Creating Light Setup
04. Creating Standard And Custom Aov In Karma

Week 13 – USD
01. Intro To Usd
02. The Solaris Interface
03. Asset Preparation Handling Geometries
04. Creating And Assigning Materials Part 1
05. Creating And Assigning Materials Part 2
06. Asset Preparation Loomdev
07. Asset Preparation Creating Variants
08. Layout Intro
09. Layout Part 1
10. Quicm Note On Asset Preparation
11. Layout Part 2
12. Layout Part 3
13. Adding Some Fx To Your Scene
14. Sublayering
15. Editing Existing Primitives
16. Lighting Part 1
17. Lighting Part 2
18. The Render Gallery
19. Render Settings
20. Rendering Images

Week 14 – Abstract Fx
01. Intro
02. Visual Overview
03. Houdini Geometry Overview
04. Particle Setup System
05. Flip Setup
06. Energy Forces
07. Tweaking Forces
08. Live Rnd
09. Final Tweaks
10. Spinning And Suction Force
11. Spinning Force And Layering
12. Force Field
13. Karma Setup
14. Shading
15. Few Tweaks
16. Compositing In Nuke
17. Advanced Lighting Optimisation
18. Applying The Hdr
19. Interactive Lighting Optz
20. Fog (Original)
21. Cloth Fx Workflow
22. Assignment

Week 15 – Destruction
01. Intro
02. Workflow Overview
03. Rbd Bulletsolver
04. Bullet In Dops
05. Breaking Constraints
06. Rbd Bullet Solver Example
07. Realistic Destruction
08. Debris Emission
09. Bridge Preparation
10. Bridge Forces
11. Advect Rbd
12. Simulation Review
13. Debris Creation
14. Debris Tweaks
15. Karma Render
16. Rendering And Explosion
17. Gluecluster And Constraint Types
18. Cave Collapse

Week 16 – Pyro
01. Intro
02. Data And Workflow
03. Simulation
04. Sparse Solver
05. Dryice Initial Setup
06. Dry Ice Setup
07. Dryice Tweaks
08. Muzzle Flash Setup
09. Muzzle Flash Smoke Sim
10. Muzzle Flash Lighting
11. Muzzle Flash Rendering
12. Muzzle Flash Compositing
13. Muzzle Flash Compositing End
14. Swirly Smoke
15. Swirly Smoke Rendering
16. Swirly Smoke Shading
17. Swirly Smoke Compositing
18. Swirly Smoke Render Preview
19. Fire Hall Setup
20. Fire Hall Tweaks
21. Bridge Explosion Setup
22. Bridge Explosion Tweaks
23. Bridge Explosion Tech Fixes
24. Bridge Explosion Rbd
25. Bridge Collision
26. Bridge Simulation Preview
27. Explosion Shading And Lighting
28. Explosion Compositing
29. Explosion We Created Together
30. Assignment

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