
另外,通过《科洛索minusT河简介》,您还可以了解到行业规模较大的亚文化风格专业动画以及披着面纱的最强Blender MinusT的专业知识。您将了解东方计划粉丝制作动画的传奇故事,并从 minusT 那里了解整个动画制作流程。minusT 是一位拥有 170,000 名订阅者的 3D 动画 YouTuber,使用 Blender 制作亚文化风格的动画。所以,不要错过掌握 Blender 主要 3D 技能并学习如何通过绑定制作有吸引力的角色动画的机会!

课程时长:25小时46分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:韩语+中英文字幕 注意:该课程收集时视频无声音,有中英字幕,(估计译者导出视频时忘勾选音频了)

Blender 100 – From Basics to 3D Animation by minusT (기초부터 3D 애니메이션까지, 블렌더 100강사전 – Nosound, Eng & Chinese subs)
If you want to learn how to use Blender for 3D animation, from subculture-style modeling to rigging and animation FX, then pay attention! With the Basics of Blender & Animation, you can learn from 100 instructors in one place, from introductory to empowerment skill-up all at once. This 100-strong course will teach you all of Blender’s major 3D skills, from modeling basics to PBR shading and character animation through rigging.

Plus, you can learn about industry-large subculture-style specialized animation and the know-how of MinusT, the strongest Blender wrapped in a veil, with the Introduction to the Coloso minusT River. You’ll get to hear about the legend of the Oriental Project Fan-made animation, and learn the entire animation production workflow from minusT, a 3D animated YouTuber with 170,000 subscribers who uses Blender to create subculture-style animation. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to master Blender’s major 3D skills and learn how to produce attractive character animation through rigging!

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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!