了解如何为ChatGPT、DALL E和Leonardo AI创建和设计强大的提示,欢迎来到ChatGPT提示工程课程的最终指南。这是一个关于ChatGPT和人工智能文本到图像生成器的提示工程的全面综合课程。众所周知,ChatGPT和生殖人工智能在过去几个月里发展非常迅速,而prompt engineering无疑在最大限度地提高Chat GPT生成的输出质量方面发挥了非常关键的作用。即时工程使用户能够塑造聊天GPT的行为,为生成的对话提供控制、上下文和定制。这些正是我们在本课程中要学习的内容。在课程介绍中,你将学习prompt工程的基本原理,理解它是如何工作的,以及prompt工程背后的技术。然后,继续学习如何平衡提示的特殊性和一般性,因为过于具体的提示会限制ChatGPT的创造力,而过于笼统或宽泛的提示可能会导致歧义。之后,您还将了解ChatGPT的功能和局限性,这样您就可以清楚地设定您的期望,并了解您可以从ChatGPT中期望得到的输出。然后学习ChatGPT提示的基本结构,您将广泛学习设计高效提示的公式,并继续测试几个ChatGPT提示生成器,使用FlowGPT、Fusion AI和Hall Analysis等工具自动加速更复杂的提示创建,在这些工具中,您可以自动将基本提示转换为更复杂的提示。由于完全依赖自动化并不是明智的决定,您还将学习在prompt中手工构建问题和设置上下文的技术,并最终将它们的质量与prompt generator生成的提示进行比较。在确保您理解所有基本概念后,我们将进入课程的主要部分,我们将学习针对各种主题或目的编写和设计ChatGPT提示,如商业、创业、文案、营销、编程、内容创作、简历、cv、市场研究、学习语言和电子邮件模板。一旦我们为ChatGPT编写完提示,我们将转到人工智能文本到图像生成器的提示工程,在那里我们将学习如何为Dall E和Leonardo人工智能文本到图像生成器创建和设计有效的提示。之后,你还将了解到最新的人工智能技术,它可以帮助你产生高质量的提示,这就是自主人工智能代理,你将学习如何利用代理GPT作为你的人工智能助手来自主产生高质量的提示。The Ultimate Guide to ChatGPT Prompt Engineering

最后,在课程结束时,您还将了解如何通过在Etsy和Gumroad等市场上向图像生成器提示销售ChatGPT和AI文本,将您在提示工程方面的专业知识转化为现金。首先,在进入课程之前,我们需要问这个问题:为什么学习prompt engineering其实很重要。这个问题有许多不同的答案,但随着ChatGPT和其他生成性人工智能技术的兴起,不可否认的是,即时工程是市场上一项高需求技能,因为几乎所有行业都使用ChatGPT来实现业务自动化。以下是你将在这门课程中学到的东西:即时工程的基本原理。了解它是如何工作的。聊天的局限性——学习如何创造有效的聊天工具?高质量提示零镜头提示、少镜头提示和思维链为商业、文案、编程、内容创作、简历、简历模板、市场调查、学习语言和电子邮件模板编写ChatGPT提示为人工智能文本编写提示到图像生成器,如Dall E和Leonardo利用代理GPT作为人工智能助理来制作高质量提示在Etsy和Gumroad等在线市场上销售ChatGPT提示

由Christ Raharja创造
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:38节课(4小时14分钟)|大小:2.15 GB

为图像生成器编写人工智能文本提示,如Dall E和Leonardo AI


Learn how to create and design powerful prompts for ChatGPT, DALL·E, and Leonardo AI

What you’ll learn
Learning the basic fundamentals of prompt engineering & understanding how it works
Learning how to write effective & high quality prompts
Learning zero-shot, few-shot, and chain of thoughts prompting techniques
Writing ChatGPT prompts for business, copywriting, programming, content creations, Resume, CV templates, market research, learning languages, and email template
Writing prompts for AI text to image generator such as Dall E and Leonardo AI
Utilising Agent GPT as AI assistant to produce high quality prompts
Selling ChatGPT prompts on online marketplaces like Etsy and Gumroad
Getting to know capabilities & limitations of ChatGPT

No previous experience in prompt engineering is required
Willingness to learn and be innovative

Welcome to The Ultimate Guide to Chat GPT Prompt Engineering course. This is a full comprehensive course on prompt engineering for ChatGPT and AI text to image generator. As we all know, ChatGPT and generative AI have been growing very rapidly in the past couple months and prompt engineering definitely plays a very crucial role in maximising the quality of output generated by Chat GPT. Prompt engineering empowers users to shape the behaviour of Chat GPT, providing control, context, and customisation to the generated conversations. Those things are exactly what we are going to learn in this course. In the introduction session, you will learn the basic fundamentals of prompt engineering, understanding how it works, and technologies behind prompt engineering. Then, continuing by learning how to balance prompt specificity and generality since a prompt that is too specific will put limitations on ChatGPT creativity, however a prompt that is too general or broad will potentially cause ambiguity. Afterward, you will also get to know capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT, so you can set your expectations clearly and understand the output you can expect from ChatGPT. Then followed by learning the basic structure of ChatGPT prompt where you will extensively learn the formula of designing efficient prompt and continued by testing several ChatGPT prompt generator to automate and speed up more complex prompt creation using tools like FlowGPT, Fusion AI, and Hall Analysis where you automatically transform basic prompt to more complex prompt. Since relying on automation completely is not a wise decision to do, you are also going to learn techniques for framing questions and setting context in prompt manually and eventually compare their qualities with prompts generated by prompt generator. After making sure you understand all the basic concepts, we will enter the main part of the course where we will learn to write and design ChatGPT prompts for variety of topics or purposes, such as business, entrepreneurship, copywriting, marketing, programming, content creation, resume, cv, market research, learning languages, and email template. Once we are done with writing prompts for ChatGPT, we will move to prompt engineering for AI text to image generator where we will learn how to create and design effective prompts for Dall E and Leonardo AI text to image generator. Afterward, you are also going to be introduced to the latest AI technology that can help you a lot in producing high quality prompts and that is autonomous AI agent where you will learn how to utilise Agent GPT as your AI assistant to produce high quality prompts autonomously. Lastly, at the end of the course, you will also learn how you can potentially monetise your expertise in prompt engineering by selling your ChatGPT and AI text to image generator prompts on marketplaces like Etsy and Gumroad.First of all, before getting into the course, we need to ask this question: Why learning prompt engineering is actually very important. Well, there are many different answers to that question but with the rise of ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies nowadays, it is undeniable that prompt engineering is a high demand skill set in the market as almost all industries use ChatGPT to automate their business.Below are things that you will learn in this course:Basic fundamentals of prompt engineering & understanding how it worksCapabilities & limitations of ChatGPTLearning how to create effective & high quality promptsZero-shot prompting, few-shot prompting, and chain of thoughtsWriting ChatGPT prompts for business, copywriting, programming, content creations, Resume, CV templates, market research, learning languages, and email templatesWriting prompts for AI text to image generator such as Dall E and Leonardo AIUtilising Agent GPT as AI assistant to produce high quality promptsSelling ChatGPT prompts on online marketplaces like Etsy and Gumroad

Who this course is for
People who are interested to learn how to design efficient prompts for ChatGPT
People who are interested to learn how to design efficient prompts for AI text to image generator

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