Python,Pandas,prompt工程数据分析。ChatGPT”是一门突破性的课程,通过利用令人难以置信的ChatGPT技术,使您能够驾驭人工智能的最新进展。我们创新的教学方法允许您通过即时工程学习编码,消除了编写一行代码的需要。这种方法是为使编码变得容易理解和愉快而定制的,即使对于完全的初学者也是如此。对于那些已经在使用Python进行数据分析方面有经验的人来说,本课程提供了一个改变游戏规则的机会,可以极大地提高您的编码速度和效率。通过利用GPT的能力,您将学习如何使用prompt工程技术来指导ChatGPT生成准确、高质量的代码,以满足您的特定需求。这种变革性的技能组合将使您能够专注于解决复杂的数据分析问题,而ChatGPT则负责编写代码,最终节省您的时间和精力。Prompt Engineering for Data Analysis Python, Pandas, ChatGPT

在整个课程中,我们将深入到提示工程的世界中,探索如何:制定有效的提示来指导ChatGPT生成所需的代码改进和优化您的提示以获得更好的结果和更高的准确性将ChatGPT生成的代码无缝地集成到您的Python和Pandas工作流中对ChatGPT生成的代码进行疑难解答和迭代,以确保它满足您的要求利用ChatGPT的潜力来自动化重复的任务,腾出您的时间来进行更重要的分析本课程将涵盖哪些内容:您将开始一段迷人的旅程,首先介绍ChatGPT和艺术随着您的深入研究,您会发现安装Anaconda和使用Jupyter Notebook和Google Colab是多么容易,这两个强大的工具将成为您在整个学习过程中值得信赖的盟友。继续这条激动人心的道路,我们将为您提供Python基础的速成课程,确保您在前进的过程中有一个坚实的基础。接下来,您将探索Pandas的基本知识,掌握处理系列、数据框和多个数据框的艺术,从而轻松操作和分析数据。然后,本课程将带您使用多功能的Matplotlib库对数据可视化进行迷人的探索,使您能够创建令人惊叹的信息可视化来支持您的数据分析。最后,您将学习在Python中导入和导出各种类型的数据文件的来龙去脉,完善您的技能,使您成为一名出色的数据分析师。在这种身临其境的体验中,我们将知识和技能编织在一个无缝的叙述中,确保您对概念及其实际应用有深刻的理解。立即注册,将您的数据分析之旅转变为一次引人入胜、回报丰厚的冒险!用Python,Pandas,ChatGPT,“您将在编码之旅中释放人工智能的全部潜力,改变您处理数据分析的方式,并开辟一个新的可能性世界。立即注册,将您的数据分析技能提升到一个全新的水平!

由Saad A创建
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:91节课(8小时35分钟)|大小:3.88 GB 含课程文件

掌握Jupyter Notebook和Google Colab的使用,实现流畅高效的学习体验。



What you’ll learn
Confidently approach data analysis tasks with Python and Pandas, even without prior coding experience.
Leverage the power of ChatGPT and prompt engineering techniques to efficiently generate accurate, high-quality code for data analysis and visualisation.
Seamlessly integrate ChatGPT-generated code into their Python and Pandas workflows, saving time and effort on manual coding.
Effectively communicate with ChatGPT by crafting optimised prompts that guide the AI to produce the desired results.
Master the use of Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab, enabling a smooth and productive learning experience.
Gain proficiency in importing and exporting various types of data files in Python, enhancing their versatility as data analysts.
Create visually appealing and informative data visualisations using the Matplotlib library to support their data-driven decision-making processes.
Develop a strong foundation in Python, Pandas, and data analysis, paving the way for future learning and professional growth in the field.

No prior experience with AI or programming is needed, but an eagerness to learn and explore new technologies is a plus!

Prompt Engineering for Data Analysis with Python, Pandas & ChatGPT” is a groundbreaking course that empowers you to harness the latest advancements in artificial intelligence by utilizing the incredible ChatGPT technology. Our innovative teaching methodology allows you to learn coding through prompt engineering, eliminating the need to write a single line of code. This approach is tailored to make coding accessible and enjoyable, even for absolute beginners.For those already experienced in data analysis using Python, this course offers a game-changing opportunity to dramatically enhance your coding speed and efficiency. By leveraging GPT’s capabilities, you’ll learn how to use prompt engineering techniques to guide ChatGPT in generating accurate, high-quality code tailored to your specific requirements. This transformative skillset will enable you to focus on solving complex data analysis problems while ChatGPT takes care of writing the code, ultimately saving you time and effort.Throughout the course, we’ll dive deep into the world of prompt engineering, exploring how to:Formulate effective prompts that guide ChatGPT to generate the desired codeRefine and optimize your prompts for better results and increased accuracyIntegrate ChatGPT-generated code seamlessly into your Python and Pandas workflowsTroubleshoot and iterate on ChatGPT-generated code to ensure it meets your requirementsLeverage ChatGPT’s potential to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your time for more critical analysisWhat will this course Cover: You’ll embark on a captivating journey that begins with an introduction to ChatGPT and the art of prompt engineering. As you delve deeper, you’ll discover the ease of installing Anaconda and working with both Jupyter Notebook and Google Colab, two powerful tools that will become your trusted allies throughout the learning process.Continuing on this exciting path, we’ll provide you with a crash course in Python basics, ensuring a solid foundation to build upon as you progress. Next, you’ll explore the essentials of Pandas, mastering the art of working with series, data frames, and multiple data frames to easily manipulate and analyze data with ease.The course then takes you on a fascinating exploration of data visualization using the versatile Matplotlib library, empowering you to create stunning and informative visualizations to support your data analysis. Finally, you’ll learn the ins and outs of importing and exporting various types of data files in Python, rounding out your skillset and making you a formidable data analyst.Throughout this immersive experience, we’ll weave the knowledge and skills together in a seamless narrative, ensuring you develop a deep understanding of the concepts and their practical applications. Enroll now and transform your data analysis journey into an engaging and rewarding adventure!With “Prompt Engineering for Data Analysis with Python, Pandas & ChatGPT,” you’ll unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence in your coding journey, transforming the way you approach data analysis and opening up a world of new possibilities. Enroll now and elevate your data analysis skills to a whole new level!

Who this course is for
This course is designed for individuals from diverse backgrounds who are eager to leverage the power of AI tools like ChatGPT to revolutionise their coding and data analysis journey. Whether you’re a complete beginner with no coding experience, an experienced programmer looking to enhance your skills, or a data enthusiast seeking innovative ways to tackle data analysis, this course is perfect for you. Embrace the potential of ChatGPT and prompt engineering to elevate your coding capabilities and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

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