Release date:2022

Author: David Johnston

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Using multiple frame techniques such as panoramas and multiple exposures, photographers can shoot an unbroken view of their surroundings and combine exposures to reveal detail in shadows and highlights.

In this class, you’ll learn:

How to shoot a panorama Panorama composition Situations for using panoramas Important techniques for panning How to shoot multiple exposures How multiple exposures are different than HDR Situations to use multiple exposures Creating multiple exposures manually

WHEN YOU’RE STUCK Chances are you’ve photographed a sunrise or sunset and found it difficult to combine the bright sky colors and the dark shadows below the horizon line. All photographers have been there. Using multiple exposures in situations like this will resolve the issue of trying to balance the intense light contrast.

AN UNBROKEN VIEW Sometimes a scene doesn’t come together in one shot. To allow your audience to fully appreciate the view in front of you, it’s necessary to pan your camera and take frames in a 180 degree view. The panoramic views create a new experience for both the photographer and the viewer of the photograph.

In addition to detailed video instruction, this class includes a downloadable class guide so you can take notes as you learn about panoramas and multiple exposures.

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