Release date:2013, September 6

Duration:03 h 45 m

Author:Jeffrey Watts

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this video, Jeff talks about the importance of work ethic and character in becoming a successful artist. He emphasizes that even if you are not naturally talented, you can still surpass others through hard work and determination. He provides a comprehensive guide to drawing heads, including the relationships between the features, warm-up exercises, and a demonstration of a long drawing. Jeff is an articulate teacher who can talk and draw simultaneously, making him a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their likeness drawing skills. This video is highly recommended for anyone struggling to achieve successful results in their drawing or painting efforts.

“Work ethic I would take any day over talent, and I would take heart and character

over natural ability any day of the week. So if you’re not one of those natural people, don’t fret. You may pass up the naturals ten times over just out of work ethic.”

-Jeffrey Watts

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