Release date:2018

Author:Shawn Falchetti

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Want to learn colored pencil techniques? Then who better to teach you than an award-winning colored pencil artist?

In this easy-to-follow 7-part video course, Shawn Falchetti guides you through everything you need to know about this hugely popular (and very sale-able) medium.

Tired of wasting time and money looking for the right materials? Your search is over. By watching this course on drawing a colored glass bottle, you’ll learn exactly which brands of pencil to buy, which colors to choose, and discover why using the right paper can have a dramatic effect upon your finished drawing.

But what about the actual colored pencil techniques that are going to add that professional edge to your work? They’re all covered in full in each enjoyable module of this course. You’ll learn how to set up your color palette, how to mix colors together for lusciously smooth blends, and how to work on intermediate layers to give your drawings incredible realism and depth.

Ready to pick up some awesome colored pencil techniques?

Watch this course and learn:

Which materials you should buy to get the best results

In-depth knowledge of paper textures to help you make the right choice

Simple blending techniques to help you create realistic textures

Practical advice that will help you every step of the way

How to prevent your work smudging and present it professionally

Itching to pick up your colored pencils? You’ll be surprised at how fast you make progress now you know which materials to use. Before you know it, you’ll be getting to grips with color theory, and discovering just how much fun this hugely versatile medium can be.

You’ll also be improving your observational skills, which will naturally enhance every other piece of art you wish to make. And, who knows? After picking up all the colored pencil techniques in this video course, perhaps your art will win awards too?

Want to Take Your Art Further After This Video Course? Pencil Kings is all about your art journey. So, once you’ve created your colored pencil art, why not share it with us on our Community page? You’ll also find a supportive network of artists just like you! Get involved and be inspired! Oh, and feel free to ask us any questions if you get stuck – that’s what we’re here for.

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