Release date:2021

Author:Louise De Masi

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Discover how professional artist Louise De Masi uses a variety of different watercolour techniques to paint this gorgeous Sun Conure. In this 58 minute step by step tutorial you can watch over Louise’s shoulder as she demonstrates some of the techniques she uses to create her beautiful bird paintings that are sold all around the world.

When you enroll in the class you will have access to the reference photo of the Sun Conure and a line drawing so you can paint along with Louise.

You will discover how Louise:

Transfers her drawing onto the paper

Picks up paint with the brush

Apples washes

Works wet on wet

Works wet on dry

Creates deliberate ‘blooms’

Paints detail

Blends colours on the paper

Soften edges

Builds colour

Corrects a mistake

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