More Doors 是 3 种不同门类型的集合。这些包括金属平开门、车库门和卷帘门。这些门都是动画门,并由蓝图支持,使其易于集成到您的游戏关卡中。 平开门采用工业/机构风格建模。有 3 种类型,包括单门、双门和带中央分隔器的双门。有 4 种窗口选项(无/小/大/双大)和 4 种闩锁选项(简单/锁闩/推杆/无)。其他选项包括动画闭门器和 3 种踢脚板样式和一个担架板。门包括框架。 车库门有 4 种类型:单门(300 厘米)和双门宽(500 厘米),标准高度(230 厘米)或高版本(400 厘米)。门板有 3 种样式(木质、金属、绝缘),带或不带窗户。面板可以混合搭配。车库门可以在内侧和/或外侧贴上贴花,以添加标识、损坏或涂鸦等细节。 卷帘门有两种基本款式(重型和轻型)和四种不同宽度。重型卷帘门的开口高 400 厘米,宽度有 300、400、600 和 800 厘米(小、中、大、特大)。轻型卷帘门的开口尺寸高 250 厘米,宽度有 200、300、400 和 500 厘米。门的颜色使用蓝图设置,内部和外部可以不同。卷帘门还支持在内侧和外侧贴花。
Swing door features:
- Single (120wx220h) or Double door styles (240wx220h)
- Blueprint support for automatic or remote triggering
- Includes basic sound effects
- 4 window options
- 4 latch styles
- Includes sample texture template for making custom door materials
Garage door features:
- Single and double wide version (300cm / 500 cm)
- Standard and tall versions (230cm / 400cm)
- Blueprint support for remote activation
- Door stops automatically when blocked
- Decal support for signs and graffiti
- Includes sample sound
Roll door features:
- Heavy and light duty versions. Heavy version is 400cm tall, light version is 250cm tall.
- Four width options (Heavy: 300, 400, 600, and 800cm // Light: 200, 300, 400, and 500cm)
- Blueprint support for remote activation
- Door stops automatically when blocked
- Decal support for signs and graffiti
- Interior and exterior colors easily changed using blueprint
- Includes sample sound
Texture Sizes: Mix of 2048×2048, 2048×1024, and 1024×1024.
Collision: Yes. Simple box or physics asset depending on item.
Vertex Count: Varies. From 3K to 19K (LOD 0) depending on item and options.
LODs: Most static meshes have multiple LODs. Skeletal meshes have 1 LOD
Number of Meshes: 76
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 47
Number of Textures: 37
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, but should work on other platforms.
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