Thea For SketchUp v2.x Win

Thea for SketchUp是Thea强大的渲染引擎与SketchUp的简单性的结合。在SketchUp视图中,指尖有偏向性、无偏性和交互式渲染模式,包括GPU支持,是一种快乐的体验。该插件允许你用高度详细的三维内容丰富你的模型,打破了与处理模型复杂性相关的旧限制。


Thea For SketchUp v2.x Win

Thea for SketchUp is a combination of powerful rendering engines of Thea with the simplicity of SketchUp. Having biased, unbiased and interactive render modes including GPU support at your fingertips, inside SketchUp view, is a joyful experience. The plugin lets you enrich your models with highly detailed three dimensional content, breaking old limitations related to handled model complexity.
Thea for SketchUp allows you to run interactive render either inside Thea window or directly inside SketchUp view, a feature that we call Interactive Render Overlay. Additionally, with the use of Interactive Region Rendering a desired part of SketchUp view can be selected and being rendered providing ultra fast feedback for complex scenery. It is a valuable help in the workflow as it gives you an immediate visualization of geometry modifications, environment, depth of field, reflections, light distribution, material properties and external Thea models in a scene.
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