在现代设计领域内,3D 渲染技术已经成为了一个必不可少的工具,尤其是在产品设计和制造之前进行视觉呈现。通过使用 KeyShot 等专业软件,设计师能够创建出极具真实感的产品视觉效果,这不仅能帮助设计师更好地表达创意,还能让客户在实际生产之前就能预见到最终产品的样貌。本文将详细介绍如何使用 KeyShot 进行高质量的产品渲染,并探讨其在工业设计中的重要性。


工业设计师 Nicolás Robertson 强调,产品的设计和形状不仅仅是外观的考虑,还必须能够有效地解决用户的日常问题。因此,3D 设计在改进设计流程中扮演了重要角色,它不仅使设计师能够在制造之前可视化其产品,还增强了与客户之间的沟通。通过引入 3D 可视化,设计师可以更生动地展示产品,获得客户的反馈,从而进行必要的修改。

KeyShot 简介

KeyShot 是一款强大的实时渲染软件,专为产品设计师和 3D 艺术家而设计。与其他渲染软件相比,KeyShot 的操作更加简单直观,非常适合初学者及经验丰富的专业人士。通过 KeyShot,用户可以轻松地导入 3D 模型,并为其添加各种材质和纹理,还可以为场景设置灯光和相机角度。这些功能使得用户能够全面掌控渲染流程,从而创造出令人信服的视觉效果。


在开始使用 KeyShot 进行产品渲染之前,了解照片级写实主义的关键概念是十分重要的。照片级写实主义旨在创建与现实世界几乎 indistinguishable 的图像效果。首先,设计师需了解不同材料的物理特性,如光泽、透明度和反射率等,这些参数将决定最终渲染效果的真实度。之后,设计师可以参考各种情绪板,收集并汇编所需的元素和风格,帮助明确设计方向。


在 KeyShot 中,导入模型至关重要。首先,用户可以通过软件的导入界面将他们的 3D 模型带入 KeyShot。导入后,熟悉软件的各个主要功能是成功渲染的第一步。设计师需学习如何为对象分配合适的材质、添加照明效果以及创建一个相机视角。在这个过程中,Nicolás 展示了这些元素如何共同影响最终图像的效果与构图。



渲染的准备工作十分重要。设计师需要调整文件的原始设置,确保输出效果符合预期。在 KeyShot 中,用户可以选择不同的渲染设置,如分辨率、光线追踪模式等,以便为最终成品做好准备。完成设置后,点击渲染按钮,等待软件生成渲染图像。


获得基础渲染后,设计师可以进一步通过添加后期效果使场景更加真实化。在这方面,Nicolás 分享了一系列使用 KeyShot 和 Photoshop 进行后期制作的技巧。后期制作可以包括调色、增加深度效果、添加阴影等,帮助最终图像更具专业水准。通过这些小细节的处理,产品的视觉表现力将得到极大的提升,让客户感受到作品的精致与考究。


通过本课程的学习,设计师不仅能够掌握如何使用 KeyShot 创建超逼真的产品渲染,还能深刻理解 3D 可视化在现代设计中的重要性。从最初的设计构思到最后的高质量渲染,KeyShot 提供的强大工具可以帮助设计师在每个阶段实现他们的创意愿景。在日益竞争的市场环境中,能够有效地展示设计思路和产品特性,无疑将为设计师和企业带来更多机遇和成功。通过不断实践和探索,任何人都能掌握这一强大技能,使自己的设计项目更具吸引力和竞争力。

Release date:2021

Author:Nicolás Robertson

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn to create realistic visuals of objects from scratch before they are manufactured. The design and shape of an object not only have they power to communicate–they also have the ability to solve everyday problems. Industrial designer Nicolás Robertson is a firm believer that 3D design is the key to improving the creation process by allowing clients to visualize products before manufacture.

Learn how to create photorealistic renders of any 3D object using KeyShot. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to design objects from your imagination and give them a realistic look by applying light, other materials and retouching techniques.

realistic look by applying light, other materials and retouching techniques Begin the course by getting to know your teacher, Nicolás Robertson. He tells you a bit about himself, what he does, and why he believes that 3D visualization is essential for design and architecture. He also shares some of his biggest influences and gives you an overview of the final project.

Review the key concepts of photorealism and see a few examples of simple studio lighting systems. Go over the basic principles of different types of materials and compile reference images for your furniture mood board.

Now it’s time to get to work in KeyShot. Start by importing your model and then get familiar with the program by exploring the interface and its main features. Learn how to assign materials to objects, add lighting to your scene, and create a set of cameras. Nicolás explains how each of these elements affects the look and composition of your image. Finally, adjust the settings of your file and prepare it for rending.

Now that you’ve covered the basics, explore different ways to make your scene more realistic, from adding new elements, like walls or objects, to advanced lighting and material techniques. Then, learn how to optimize the rendering process

Wrap up the course by adding the final touches on your project. Much like how professional photographers edit their photos to give them a signature style, 3D artists can enhance their work in post-production. Nicolás shows you a series of tricks in both KeyShot and Photoshop to polish your work and give it a professional look.

01. Introduction 01. Presentation 02. Influences 03. What Will We Do in The Course

02. Preparations and Technical Terms 01. Principles of Photorealism 02. PBR Materials and HDRI Lighting 03. Search for Inspiration and Mood Board

03. Let’s Do It! 01. Finally in KeyShot! 02. Material Assignment 1 03. Material Assignment 2 04. Basic Lighting 05. Cameras 06. Rendering

04. Dressing the Scene 01. Adding Context 1 02. Adding Context 2 03. Advanced Lighting 04. Physical Lighting 05. Advanced Material Creation 06. Render Process Optimization

05. The Final Details 01. Postproduction in KeyShot 02. Postproduction in Photoshop

06. Final Project 01. Final Project

[Domestika] Photorealistic Product Rendering with KeyShot (2021) with Nicolas Robertson.7z [Domestika] Photorealistic Product Rendering with KeyShot (2021) with Nicolas Robertson_Subtitles.7z

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