Release date:2018, July
Duration:01 h 52 m
Author:Dragan Neskovic
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What Will I Learn?
Students will be able to create first person video games.
Students will have a better understanding of object oriented programming and C#.
Students will know how to use the most important features of Unity.Requirements
A computer capable of running Unity.
This course is designed to teach you the most important techniques required for First Person Game Development.Such are: Creating a First Person Character Controller ( This character controller can be used for Horror games, First person Shooters, or basically any First Person Game you can think of ).
Understanding Colliders and Trigger Volumes ( You will understand how collisions work in video games, and how to use them efficiently with object oriented programming ).
Working with the Unity Animator and Animations ( We will be creating all kinds of different animations to make our game more immersive, these animations will be played through scripts, at our command ).
Mastering Raycasts ( Raycasts are the standard technology used in first person video games, be it in shooting, looking at items to pick them up, opening doors, etc.. ).
Learning how to create a Level in Unity.
Who is the target audience?
People who would like to get into game development.
Anyone who wants to develop a first person game.
People looking to increase their knowledge in Object Oriented Programming.Introduction 11:14
Introduction 05:21
Importing the First Person Character Controller 05:53
Simple Level Creation 16:52Creating a Simple Level 06:40
Creating a Sliding Door Animation 10:12
Collisions 19:30Checking For Player Collision 19:30
Animating Objects 10:20Door Sliding Up Logic. 05:43
Door Sliding Down Logic. 04:37
UI and Animation 26:17Creating our first User Interface (UI). 14:32
Animating Door On Button Press. 11:45
Raycasts 28:11Introduction to Raycasts 03:43
Fixing a slight bug and drawing the Raycast 02:41
Picking up an Item and adding it to our Inventory. 08:55
Enabling and Disabling our Flashlight. 12:521. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Importing the First Person Character Controller
2. Simple Level Creation 1. Creating a Simple Level 2. Creating a Sliding Door Animation
3. Collisions 1. Checking For Player Collision
4. Animating Objects 1. Door Sliding Up Logic. 2. Door Sliding Down Logic.
5. UI and Animation 1. Creating our first User Interface (UI). 2. Animating Door On Button Press.
6. Raycasts 1. Introduction to Raycasts 2. Fixing a slight bug and drawing the Raycast 3. Picking up an Item and adding it to our Inventory. 4. Enabling and Disabling our Flashlight.

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