Pixologic Zbrush 2021.6.6 Mac 大小解压后:1.87G
pixor Zbrush 2021 . x MAC x64


pixotro ZBrush为数字雕刻和绘画设定了行业标准。它的特点使你能够使用可定制的画笔来塑造,纹理和绘制虚拟粘土。另外,在提供即时反馈的实时环境中。被电影制片厂和游戏开发商使用的相同工具赋予权力。同样,世界各地的玩具/收藏品制造商、珠宝设计师、汽车/航空设计师、插画师、广告商、科学家和其他艺术家都使用ZBrush。事实上,我们甚至因为支持ZBrush的技术获得了奥斯卡奖。


安装说明 对于Mac:
替换二进制文件->/Applications/ZBrush \ 2021/ZBrush . app/Contents/MacOS/ZBrush

一旦你安装,打开zbrush,当它显示登录注册,关闭应用程序,然后用补丁版本替换,并确保chmod +x

ZBrush 2020通过屡获殊荣的画笔系统的强大功能,为艺术家提供了更灵活的雕刻。新的XTractor,HistoryRecall和DecoCurve笔刷扩展了雕刻笔刷库。此外,您还可以使用新的No Back & Forth修改器将画笔笔触约束为仅向前。

除新笔刷外,还扩展了MorphUV功能,这使得您可以在ZBrush中查看模型的展开UV布局。Sculpt & Paint in Morpu UV,可以让您在模型2D展开视图中进行雕刻和绘画,并将所有更新应用于3D模型。

Pixologic Zbrush 2021.x Mac x64

Yet another update by pixologic

Pixologic ZBrush
Pixologic ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting and painting. Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay. Plus, in a real-time environment that provides instant feedback. Be empowered by the same tools employed by film studios and game developers. Likewise, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators, advertisers, scientists and other artists the world over use ZBrush. In fact, we have even received an Academy Award for the technology that powers ZBrush.

In short, ZBrush is an art tool created by artists, for artists. It allows you to create models and illustrations limited only by your imagination. And, at a speed that allows you to stand out in today’s fast paced industry.

For Mac:
replace binary –> /Applications/ZBrush\ 2021/ZBrush.app/Contents/MacOS/ZBrush
Once you install, open zbrush, when it shows the log in registration, close the app, then replace with the patched version, and make sure to chmod +x
Give Read & Write permissions to the Macros’ folder
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