Unreal Engine Marketplace – Adam Horseman Archer 古代骑兵马匹
Adam Horseman Archer 4.18非常适合第一人称或第三人称冒险游戏,可以作为战士,弓箭手,骑兵战士等战斗角色。
3 Blueprints:
BP_Adam_BodyParts_ArcherArmor: Has all body parts, weapons and clothes. Pay attention some parts hidden to give the character presentable look.
BP_Adam_FullBody_ArcherArmor: Only has parts needed to represent a clothed character and all weapons. Some weapons hidden.
BP_Horse_LightArmor Has body and all armor parts.
Body parts: Head, Hair, Hands, Arms, Torso, Legs, Feet, Bread
Armor parts: Shirt, Chest Armor, Helmet, Bracers, Belt, Paints, Boots, Leg Armor.
Weapons: Shield, Sword , Bow, Arrow in hand, Quiver with 6 arrows.
Rig has 72 bones.
Original 3D MAX file with rigged character in T-pose included.
3 colors scheme for armor included.
2 hairs styles included
5 Hairs textures for each style included.
Body – 3 objects (body, mane and tail).
Armor – 8 parts (mask, bridle, reins, harness, skirt, saddle, bags and stirrups).
Rig has 41 bones.
Scaled to Epic skeleton: No
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes for Adam
Animated: Yes
LODs: Yes, for Horse only
Number of characters: 3 character Blueprints, 43 “skeletal meshes” including bodies, body parts, hair, clothes and animated bow.
Vertex counts of characters: 23,122 for Adam and 14,527 (8,429 LOD) for Horse
Number of Textures: 28 diffuse, specular, metallic (in specular alpha), opacity (in color alpha) and normals.
Texture Resolutions: 2048×2048, 1024×1024, 4096×4096
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 13 Materials and 26 Instances
Number of Animations: Adam 145 animations for warrior, archer, horseman combats and general moves. 36 horse animations.
Animation types: 129 “on place” animations, and 26 animations with root motion data for Adam. 23 “on place” animation clips, and 13 duplicates with root motion for horse.
Intended Platform: PC / MAC / XBox1 / PS4
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: Yes
Important\Additional Notes: PBR materials setup, Physics Asset setup included (not automatic “made by hand”)
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