迷你小地图蓝图可视化脚本UE4游戏素材资源 UMG Mini Map 4.18 UMG迷你地图

文件大小 80.5 M
This is an easy-to-use UMG MiniMap.
Features are:
– The minimap is orienting to a location and rotation you specify, for example the player, so it’s converting the world location to the location on the map.
– If you use a landscape, the minimap automatically knows about all the dimentions and sets itself up to work correctly. If you do not use a landscape, you have to manually specify the “bottom left” and “top right” of the area which should be visible on the map.
– You can smoothly zoom in and out the minimap with scrolling the mouse wheel while the mouse is over the minimap.
– You can draw either colored points, textures or materials as points on the minimap, you just need to specify the world location, it’s one single node.
– The minimap can draw arrows (color, material or texture) for points which are currently not visible on the minimap. The points then appear at the border of the minimap and point in the direction where the currently hidden point is.
– You can either use the shape of a rectangle or a circle for the minimap. For the frame you can use any fitting texture you have, the minimap comes with 2 example frames, one rectangle and one circle.
– If you click on the minimap, it can convert the click location to world location. It calls one function which gives you the world location and if you have specified a trace channel, the minimap automatically traces down against it, otherwise you will get a location with Z=0.
– For the background of the minimap you can either let the minimap capture your level automatically or you can use your own texture. If you use your own texture, you can even change it any time during the game, so for example you could display multiple floors.
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